[email protected] Leningradyan 23/11 str. +374 60 700111

Private Cloud

// Private Cloud

Virtual Private Servers in Armenia

Powered by VMware / vCloud
Select the right resource pool for your workload to maximize the performance, running on our Datacenter's first class cloud infrastructure. Powered by VMware.

VPS small

vCPU: 2 Core

vRAM: 4GB Ram

Disk (SSD): 40GB SSD

Speed: 100 Mb/s

Price: 100$ monthly

VPS Medium

vCPU: 4 Core

vRAM: 8GB Ram

Disk (SSD): 60GB SSD

Speed: 100 Mb/s

Price: 200$ monthly

VPS Large

vCPU: 8 Core

vRAM: 16GB Ram

Disk (SSD): 80GB SSD

Speed: 100 Mb/s

Price: 300$ monthly

VPS Extra

vCPU: 12 Core

vRAM: 32GB Ram

Disk (SSD): 100GB SSD

Speed: 100 Mb/s

Price: 400$ monthly

Performance and efficiency, maximized. VMware vCloud is designed for demanding workloads with business applications that have different computing needs. Our redundant platform is deployed in top-tier data centers around the world. Reach your business goals without risking your operational ability to execute and manage your own virtual data centers.

A Virtual Data Center You Control

Public and Private Connections
With VMware Cloud Director you can create and manage dedicated or shared private or public networks. You can also manage multiple network levels, such as, create DMZs.

Efficient Resource Allocation
Deploy virtual machines utilizing VMware vCloud resource pools. Different resource pools can be consumed in the same vCloud Tenant.

High Performing SSD Storage
High performing SSD disks provide the best performance. Alternatively, additional storage solutions are available for low-speed needs, such as backup or template catalogs.